In GS Eye Center, we help you to step out of our clinic without glasses and with a natural & radiant smile.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vietnam Travel Journal - Dr. Kim Mu Yan

After departing on Nov 12th and arriving in the morning of the 17th, I finally have the chance to post my travel journal after taking care of all my overdue work.

This time we went to the southern part of Ho Chi Min city (used to call Saigon) in Vietnam and from there it took us another one and half hours to reach our destination, Tien Giang Province in Mekong Delta region. This voluntary activity was organized by Korean Sharing Love Association.

The most serious issue experienced by developing countries is securing clean and potable water and together with the medical volunteers, we helped by providing fresh drinking water. Vietnam is not a country without water, however, it is a country without sufficient clean portable water and there are many teeth and kidney stone disease due to the high level of calcium in the water.

No matter how much we wanted to help these people, we had to put in a lot of considerations to avoid embarrassing the receivers or making them feel bad about receiving the help. Even if we had taken care of everything, if we were not careful of the way we presented the things to the people like looking at them with condescending eyes or throwing the presents to them, we would spoil every effort we had put in. This was what happened to Korean people when we were receiving aid from America in the past.

For 11 years, Vietnam was divided into Communist and Democratic parties and experienced constant war during that period. At present, it remains as a communist country. This was a country that used to have lots of natural resources and if only Democratic Party had won, it might be a country as prosperous as Singapore. However, the history was not like that…… 
Anyway, at present, it has a population of 87 million people and even though it has a group of young high-potential generation leading this young country with numerous foreign investing companies, the annual income of an individual is only about one thousand US dollars showing the wide gap between the rich and the poor. The unbelievable thing is that the living standard in Mekong Delta is still the same as it was 100 years ago.  

Back to the topic again, our medical volunteers was divided into two teams and in the case of ophthalmology team, we had actually packed about eight boxes of drugs and equipments for the ophthalmological team to bring along to Vietnam, but we had to reduce the number to three due to the various restrictions.  Upon unloading the boxes in the small hospital at the outskirts of Ho Chi Min City, there were already a lot of patients waiting for treatment. Before coming to Vietnam, the schedule seemed relaxed with one and half hour of lunchtime, however, with the huge number of patients, we all skipped lunch and treated all patients till the sunset and this continued to the second day, without lunch and finished after sunset.     

The most disappointing thing was not able to provide cataract surgeries due to facilities’ issue so we tried to treat the patients with the drugs we brought along and select the patients who needed surgeries. In April 2011, we planned to have a follow-up with the selected patients and have their surgeries done. Thankfully, we had a team of young devoted Vietnamese people helping us and we managed to acquire a positive Korea-Vietnam exchange together with the local doctors bringing hope to everyone for our trip in 2011.

Together with the aid of Mirae Assets and Vietnam-Korea Culture Center, we managed to start building houses successfully for the locals. During the scholarship presentation ceremony in Tien Giang University, apart from the tropical climate and a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius, we had the wonderful chance to watch an outdoor local folk performance.  

When I was in elementary school, I was constantly being told how impressive the Reunification Palace was in Vietnam and I could finally understand why the palace was labeled as magnificent upon seeing the palace with my own eyes. Korea used to be like Vietnam, divided into Communist and Democratic Parties due to the difference in ideology and with a corrupted government that squandered money without any care for the people. If such situation persisted, I knew that the citizens would be the ones who carried the burden, as it was what happened in Korea many years ago. Blue House is decorated luxuriously like Reunification Palace with a bomb shelter in the basement to use during war but I hoped that there are no personal cinema and billiard room in the Blue House like what I saw in the Reunification Palace.

Even though the past is over but the memories of numerous young and ambitious Korean men, who sacrificed their lives during Vietnam War (19 years & 180 days) still remained in many hearts. At that time, US Army supplied the biggest number of forces with Korean Army leading behind. Korea has many connections with Vietnam since then and even with the memory of this painful history, both countries could actually make peace and look after each other in many ways.   

Countries are always helping each other in some ways but North and South Koreas, the same ethnic group, are still struggling to reach peace. North Korea leader, Kim Jong-Il, had great parents who sent him overseas to receive high education but even with his knowledge, he could not go with the flow with other countries and cooperate with others. Is it wrong to think that he had received the wrong education and caused North Koreans to suffer under his leadership? Although both of us are from the Kim’s family and we could have been cousins, it is regretful to say that he had obstructed the development of North Korea with his thoughtless acts.

지난 11 12일에 출발해서 17일 새벽에 도착했는데 밀린 일들을 처리하느라 이제서야 다녀온 이야기를 올리게 되었습니다.

이번에 저희가 다녀온 곳은 베트남 남쪽의 호치민 시(과거의 사이공입니다) 와 거기서 다시 남쪽으로 한시간 반정도 더 가는 메콩 삼각주 지역인 띠엔쟝 성 미토 시 지역입니다. 제가 몸담고 있는 봉사 단체가 있는데 <우물사랑> 이라는 곳입니다.

개발도상국에서 가장 심각하게 겪고 있는 문제가 깨끗하고 안전하게 마실 물을 확보하는 것이라서 안전한 식수원을 공급하는 것을 도와드리는 일을 하는데 더불어 의료봉사도 하고 있습니다. 베트남은 물부족 국가는 아니지만 깨끗한 물이 충분하지는 않습니다. 석회질 물이어서 결석과 치과 질환도 많다고 하고요. 그러나 이번에는 현지 정부의 요청에 따라 우물이 아닌 집을 지어드리기로 하고 준비를 했습니다.

남을 돕는다는게 아무리 선한 취지로 시작되었다 하더라도 받아들이는 측의 체면이 상하면 난처한 일이 생기기 때문에 준비 과정에서부터 세심하게 배려해야할 것이 많습니다. 뭔가를 가지고 가서 예다 나눠가져라 하고 주고나면 잘 해주고도 욕먹는 일이 생기기 쉽기 때문이고 우리가 과거에 미국으로부터 원조받으면서 겪었던 일이기도 합니다.

북위 17도선을 경계로 북쪽의 공산지역과 남쪽의 자유진영으로 나뉘어 있는 베트남이 11녀에 걸친 전쟁을 거쳐 공산화가 되었던 것은 많이 알고 계실 것입니다. 그 전까지 동아시에서 아주 잘 살던 나라이고 자원이 많은만큼 많은 사람들이 당시에 남측 주도로 통일이 되었더라면 지금 싱가폴 만큼 잘 사는 나라가 되었을 거라고 생각하고 있습니다만 역사란 그렇지 않은 것이어서...

아무튼 지금은 87백만의 인구를 가진 그것도 젊은 노동력을 많이 가진 잠재력이 높은 국가로 외국인 자본 투자에도 적극적이고 잘 살아보려고 노력하는 그런 청년국가가 되어 있습니다. 그러나 아직까지는 1인당 국민소득이 1천불을 조금 넘는 수준이고 게다가 도시와 농촌 간에 소득격차가 많아서 메콩강 삼각주 지역에서는 100년전 생활과 비교해 그닥 나아보이지 않는 (우리 시각으로 그렇겠지요. 그분들 시각에서는 편안한 삶일 겁니다) 환경에 노출되어 있습니다.

의료봉사는 두 팀으로 나눠져 진행되었는데 안과의 경우 아무래도 장비가 뒷받침되어야 하기 때문입니다. 미리 준비했던 짐이 안과 짐만 8상자였다가 현지 정부에서의 각종 규제탓에 3상자만 가지고 갔는데 호치민 시 외곽의 조그만 병원에 짐을 풀러 도착해보니 정말 많은 분들이 기다리고 있었습니다. 처음 준비과정에서의 스케쥴은 느긋하게 점심식사로 쌀국수도 한시간 반정도 먹고 그런 게 들어있었는데 결과적으로는 점심은 굶고 하루해가 다 지도록 쉬지 않고 일을 하고 다음날 점심이 되어서야 진료가 마무리 되었습니다.

아쉽게도 수술 허가를 받지 못해서 이번에는 대상 환자를 선정하는 작업까지만 진행하고 약으로 해결 가능한 질환들을 봐드리고 왔습니다만 내년 4월에 후속 조치로 이번에 선정한 환자분들을 수술해 드리러 다시 가기로 하였습니다. 다행히 현지에서 도와주신 분들이 정말 헌신적이셨고 베트남의 젊은 층들의 도움도 컸으며 현지 병원의 원장님도 한국과의 교류에 적극적이셔서 여러모로 희망을 많이 보고 돌아왔습니다.

의료봉사 외에 집짓기 사업은 성공리에 마무리되었으며 미래에셋 베트남 법인과 베트남 한국 문화원의 도움이 컸습니다. 띠엔쟝 대학교에서의 장학금 수여 행사 때 현지에서 민속 공연을 준비하는 바람에 예정에 없이 야외에서 두 시간 을 있게 되었는데 36도가 넘는 열대기후였던 탓에 너무 더웠던 것 빼고는 다 좋았던 것 같습니다.

개인적으로는 초등학교 때 귀에 못이 박히도록 듣던 월남의 고디엔디엠 대통령의 궁전으로 사용되던 통일궁을 가본 것이 가장 인상적이었습니다. 남북간에 공산진영과 자유 진영간의 이념 대립을 함께 겪었던 우리와 월남으로서는 지도층의 부패와 낭비가 얼마나 심각한 위협을 가져오는 지 직접 눈으로 보고 느낀 바가 있었습니다. 아마도 우리 나라 청와대도 외빈접대 시설 등은 부끄럽지 않은 수준으로 갖추어놓았을 것이고 지하에 벙커도 있겠습니다만 단독 영화관이나 당구장 같은 불요불급한 시설들은 없으리라고 믿습니다.

영원한 적은 없다지만 우리가 역사상 가장 많은 수의 군대를 보내고 가장 많은 우리 젊은이들이 외국에서 목숨을 바친 전쟁에 베트남 전쟁이었습니다. 미군 다음으로 많은 주둔군이었고 양 측간에 수많은 사연이 남아있을 것입니다. 그런 아픈 역사가 다 지나가고 지금은 서로 화해하고 돌보고 협력하는 시기인 것 같습니다.

머나먼 이국에서도 서로 협력이 가능한데 같은 민족인 북한과는 맨날 이지경인지 참으로 답답합니다. 김정은이라는 어린 친구도 부모 잘 만나서 어려서부터 좋은 나라에서 선진 교육을 받고 돌아왔는데도 세계의 흐름을 보지 못하고 철부지 어린애같이 행동을 하고 있으니 윗마을 김씨집안도 자식 교육 잘못 시켜서 집안도 망하고 인민도 고생하는 그런 때가 아닌가 우려가 됩니다. 제사 때마다 와서 깽판을 쳐도 사촌은 사촌인데 말입니다. 안타깝습니다.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Year-End Dinner

December and January are probably the busiest period for most people as lots of people are preparing presents for Christmas or settling the company’s year-end finance accounts or planning where to go for the holidays. When I was in Japan, December was the time to have year-end dinners to celebrate the ending of one year and to put the past away and January was the month to have New Year parties and to celebrate the New Year. Korea is pretty similar too with many people having year-end dinners with friends and company workers to celebrate the ending of one year and also to patch up any bad relationship between people so that they could look forward to a new start in the next year.

Of course, we also had our year-end dinner last Wednesday to celebrate the achievements of our clinic for 2010. The menu was Korean beef as Korean beef is actually the most expensive beef in Korea and on such occasion, it is important to provide the best for the employees to show thanks and gratitude for their hard work in 2010. During dinner, presents were also presented to many co-workers for their hard work including The Early Bird Prize for 2 workers who arrive to work early every morning, The Best Idea Prize for 3 workers who contributed successful ideas to provide better service for our patients, The best Worker in December and another team leader was elected for our surgery room. Congratulations to all of you and keep up your good work!

One of our directors, Dr. Lee, also made a speech that in the New Year we would all stay healthy and work hard to ensure the clinic would continue to prosper under our hard work. As for Dr. Kim, he moved around the tables, making sure that he gave a toast to all of us and presented a short speech hoping that we would continue to cooperate and work as a team in the clinic, mentioning that without team spirit, the clinic would not be able to prosper and flourish. He also emphasized the importance of team spirit so that our personal knowledge would improve and help each other as a team, not just for ourselves. Finally he thanked everyone for the hard work and hope that we would all have a good year ahead.

Personally I would also like to thank Dr. Kim and all workers for their patience since I am not Korean, they need to spend more time to explain things to me and try to understand my broken Korean^^. Thank you all very much!! 

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Vietnam trip - By Grace Seo

8 o’clock in the morning… I wondered what I could do for the people here.

I was finally standing in front of Ngk Linh Hospital in Vietnam~

After asking around the hospitals in Vietnam, we finally decided to liaise with Ngk Linh Hospital as it was big, equipped with facilities similar to Korea and it looked like a hospital in the rural area.  

The hospital was packed with people …..not just some…. but many people ….

At 8 in the morning, we went earlier to the hospital to prepare so that we were ready to cope with the large number of patients and in fact, we thought that there would be no patients at this time. However it was not what we thought. The moment we reached there, we saw young children staring at us, the foreigners, with wide eyes and they seemed amazed with our presence. (I guess I was the same when I saw foreigners in Korea.) …. Wanting to say ‘Hi’ but shy…. I could hear people talking noisily in the background, curious about our presence.  

Treatment startedThere were many patients needing vision examination and eye examination. Occasionally there were patients needing eye drops to dilate their pupils and many patients needed help walking due to poor visual acuity. It was just like what we did during voluntary activities in Korea. 

At that moment, a group of children wearing same clothing appeared… I realized it immediately as they were all friends from the same orphanage. The shocking truth for this group of children was that they were born without eyes… not just one but all of them….  Later while we were at the countryside, Dr Kim told us that the poor water quality could be one of the reasons leading to children without eyes as it was as black as waste water and there were a limited number of days where Vietnamese people could only get clean water. Not only that, due to insufficient crime prevention measures in Vietnam, there were many unplanned pregnancies and these pregnant women tried to abort the fetuses by taking abortion drugs that didn’t get rid of the fetuses and the eyes of these babies were not developed due to these drugs. This group of children was the outcome….. 

However this group of people was children themselves. Like us in Korea, they joked with each other and laughed together, these young children were no different from us… Indeed they should be the same as us. However when I saw these children, they all seemed to carry a serious expression like they were criminals with their heads down. I could feel my eyes streaming with tears as even though they were young, they had to be treated like disabled people and listen to people talking about them being their backs constantly. They were blind but not deaf. I could only provide them my warm hand during the examination and greet them warmly whenever I could. Maybe I felt that it was the best thing I could do for them.

We connected with each other through our hearts...

Another unforgettable friend entered the room ….

This friend still remained in my memory even though she was of no difference with the other friends. Looking at her reminded me of the horror movie, ‘The Ring’ where the main character climbed out of the TV and her eyes were opaque. Our friend was like the main character with opaque eyes. At this young age, which was the best time to see the beautiful world, she could not due to the white membrane covering her cornea. Actually, it was like the elderly people who had developed cataracts in Korea.

As expected, she could not see anything except slight light rays…. Yet this child didn’t forget to put a pure bright smile on her face throughout the whole treatment process and thanked us for what we did. Numerous thoughts flowed by my head…..

All this while, I was grateful for what I had, so why did I always complain about what’s insufficient? I was born with two eyes and through these eyes I was able to see many beautiful places, through these eyes I was able to see thousands of facial expressions and through these eyes I was able to share the tears and laughter with the people around me. Maybe I had forgotten about this fact for a moment... I had never felt that I needed to feel grateful for what I had till now… The connection with these friends actually awoke my inner heart.

In the morning when I was standing in front of the hospital, I worried about what I could do for these people. It was really unnecessary as through these friends, I was able to experience something I couldn’t feel in Korea. The heart-to-heart communication with people…

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Going to a foreign country means exploring the local traditions, trying to adapt to the environment and answering similar questions. Every country has its special touch and being able to enjoy or try to explore the local dishes/culture show respect to the locals and the locals will usually be extremely happy of our presence. In Korea, there are many traditional things that a foreigner could learn including taking ceramic classes, doing craftwork, making kimchi and even wearing traditional Korean dress, Hanbok.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to make Kimchi at Our Lady of Mercy Rehabilitation Center (성모자애 복지관)in Seoul. Basically there are about 180 types of Kimchi (fermented vegetables – check out the Kimchi Museum in COEX) and they vary from non-spicy to very spicy Kimchi with various types of vegetables. Koreans always make kimchi during this period and depending on the size of the family or organization, they will make enough to last for the whole winter or for the whole year. Making kimchi is not an easy job as the recipe varies according to the family recipe and the taste will never be the same. As for the younger generation, their mothers will usually make kimchi and send to them if they are not staying at home. Kimchi is their staple dish and Koreans usually eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner along with rice.  

When we reached the center, there were 2 teams at work, one was washing the cabbages and the other was drying the cabbages and mixing it with the kimchi paste. Kimchi process usually starts with sprinkling sea salt on cabbages to remove its water content for about 2 hours and then washing the salt off the cabbages. And then, the second part will be making the paste by slicing green onions, garlic, onions, ginger and radish, blending hot pepper flakes, salted shrimp, fish sauce and rice water together and then, mixing the paste and vegetables together.

Since the paste was already made when we arrived, we were assigned outside to squeeze the water out of cabbage in the morning and we had the chance to spread the kimchi paste on the cabbage after lunch. Working side by side with the older ladies meant getting the chance to learn how to make real kimchi. Making Kimchi was just not about getting the right ingredients and portion, it was also about applying the right amount of paste on all part of cabbage. Started from the outer leaf of the cabbage, slowly rubbed the kimchi paste inwards making sure all leaves were covered with certain amount of the paste. Not too little but not too much, just enough as the amount of paste would also affect the taste.

The older ladies worked really fast and that is Korean culture. While some of us were doing the spreading, others were making sure that we had enough paste, cabbages and plastic bags to contain the Kimchi. It was like in the wet market. Thank goodness the kitchen was big enough to contain us and we didn’t have to do it outdoor. Finally we finished after two hours, and then we started to clean up. By 2:30 pm, we were sitting down and eating some snacks. ^^ It was fun and for foreigners who have been in Korea for awhile but yet, haven’t tried making kimchi, I would recommend checking online for the opportunities to make kimchi.  Have fun and immerse yourself in Korea~           

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vision Recovery~~

My vision recovery period has not been easy as it takes about 1 month to recovery and during this period, I experience long-sightedness and have difficulty working on the computer for a long period as the images seem blurred and hazy and I get occasional headaches from looking at the screen for a long period. Especially at night, due to astigmatism, I get lots of glares and halos from cars and street lights. 

Well, I have been very patient and I constantly use my prescribed eye drops so apart from dryness, Dr. Kim mentioned that my recovery progress was about 70% which was higher than expectations. Before surgery, my both eyes had myopia of about -3.5 and astigmatism of about -0.75 on my left eye and about -0.5 on my right.  Today, 2 weeks after my surgery, my right eye has myopia of -0.25 with astigmatism of -0.5 and my left eye has hyperopia of +0.25 with astigmatism of -1.25.  The astigmatism will slowly go away and I am really excited as I could feel that my vision is recovering too~ 

Two more weeks to go before my vision stabilized and I am really looking forward to that moment~^^